Fetching Web Pages
1 2 3 4 | >>> import urllib.request >>> page = urllib.request.urlopen("https://www.boredapi.com/api/activity") >>> page.read() b'{"activity":"Learn the NATO phonetic alphabet","type":"education","participants":1,"price":0,"link":"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_phonetic_alphabet","key":"6706598","accessibility":0}' |
page.read() returns the page source
to get the page URL, use:
to get the page URL, use:
1 2 | >>> page.geturl() 'https://www.boredapi.com/api/activity' |
to get the HTTP response code use:
1 2 | >>> page.getcode() 200 |
We haven't yet covered the exceptions, hence if you like to validate if page exists, you can use following function (example of usage in midterm program prep):
def page_exists(page): try: urllib.request.urlopen(page) return True except: return False
Let's write a crawler that crawls UNH web site.
We will start by hitting the home page and looking at it's content:
We will start by hitting the home page and looking at it's content:
import urllib.request seed = "http://www.newhaven.edu/" page = urllib.request.urlopen(seed) content=page.read() code=page.getcode() print(code, " : ", page.geturl(), ":", content)
The response we get back is quite lengthy, so if you want to store the response to a file you can do:
1 | python crawler.py >> crawler_out.txt |
at this time we will only be interested in following data:
<title>Home - University of New Haven</title>
<meta name="Keywords" content="University of New Haven" />
So let's try to extract that data using RE,
Extracting a title (note, that the page.read() returns a byte content and we need to convert it into a string)
import urllib.request import re seed = "http://www.newhaven.edu/" page = urllib.request.urlopen(seed) content=page.read() content_string = content.decode("utf-8") regexp_title = re.compile('<title>(?P<title>(.*))</title>') result = regexp_title.search(content_string, re.IGNORECASE) if result: title = result.group("title") print(title)
1 2 | $ python crawler.py Home - University of New Haven |
Now extract title and keywords:
import urllib.request import re seed = "http://www.newhaven.edu/" page = urllib.request.urlopen(seed) content=page.read() content_string = content.decode("utf-8") regexp_title = re.compile('<title>(?P<title>(.*))</title>') regexp_keywords = re.compile('<meta name="Keywords" content="(?P<keywords>(.*))" />') result = regexp_title.search(content_string, re.IGNORECASE) if result: title = result.group("title") print(title) result = regexp_keywords.search(content_string, re.IGNORECASE) if result: keywords = result.group("keywords") print(keywords)
1 2 3 | $ python crawler.py Home - University of New Haven University of New Haven |
Now, let's build a simple crawler that will crawl the UNH web pages extracting the title and meta keywords to make them searchable later on.
We first need to extract all URL's on the seed page:
import urllib.request import re seed = "http://www.newhaven.edu/" page = urllib.request.urlopen(seed) content=page.read() content_string = content.decode("utf-8") regexp_title = re.compile('<title>(?P<title>(.*))</title>') regexp_keywords = re.compile('<meta name="[kK]eywords" content="(?P<keywords>(.*))" />') regexp_url = re.compile("www.newhaven.edu[/\w+]*") result = regexp_title.search(content_string, re.IGNORECASE) if result: title = result.group("title") print(title) result = regexp_keywords.search(content_string, re.IGNORECASE) if result: keywords = result.group("keywords") print(keywords) for (urls) in re.findall(regexp_url, content_string): print(urls)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | $ python crawler.py Home - University of New Haven University of New Haven www.newhaven.edu/_resources/images/hero/maxcy www.newhaven.edu/_resources/images/hero/maxcy www.newhaven.edu/_resources/images/favicons/favicon www.newhaven.edu/about/facilities/index www.newhaven.edu/_resources/images/centennial/cropped |
Now we need to visit all URL's and extract title and the meta tags out of them.
Keep in mind that many of these URL's will have the same nested URLs within them, and we don't want to re-visit them.
import urllib.request from urllib.error import URLError import re def visit_url(url, domain): global crawler_backlog if(len(crawler_backlog)>100): return if(url in crawler_backlog and crawler_backlog[url] == 1): return else: crawler_backlog[url] = 1 print("Processing:", url) try: page = urllib.request.urlopen(url) code=page.getcode() if(code == 200): content=page.read() content_string = content.decode("utf-8") regexp_title = re.compile('<title>(?P<title>(.*))</title>') regexp_keywords = re.compile('<meta name="keywords" content="(?P<keywords>(.*))" />') regexp_url = re.compile("https?://\w*"+domain+"[/\w+]*") result = regexp_title.search(content_string, re.IGNORECASE) if result: title = result.group("title") print(title) result = regexp_keywords.search(content_string, re.IGNORECASE) if result: keywords = result.group("keywords") print(keywords) for (urls) in re.findall(regexp_url, content_string): if(urls not in crawler_backlog or crawler_backlog[urls] != 1): crawler_backlog[urls] = 0 visit_url(urls, domain) except URLError as e: print("error") crawler_backlog = {} seed = "http://www.newhaven.edu/" crawler_backlog[seed]=0 visit_url(seed, "\.newhaven\.edu")
What is load test?
We will be building a load test to test GET services for list of URL's in a list
We should be able to define number of concurrent users hitting the services
Let's start:
First, we need to be able to access the URL, so let's write a code that will do just that:
We will be building a load test to test GET services for list of URL's in a list
We should be able to define number of concurrent users hitting the services
Let's start:
First, we need to be able to access the URL, so let's write a code that will do just that:
import urllib.request #this is the function to run a single test def one_test(url): page = urllib.request.urlopen(url) res = page.read() print(res) #we can delete this print statement later one_test('https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts')
$ python load_test.py b'{"all":[{"_id":"58e0088b0aac31001185ed09","text":"The world\'s largest cat measured 48.5 inches long.","type":"cat","user":{"_id":"58e007480aac31001185ecef","name":{"first":"Kasimir","last":"Schulz"}},"upvotes":7,"userUpvoted":null},
Now add timer to it
import urllib.request import time #this is the function to run a single test def one_test(url): start_time = time.monotonic()*1000 page = urllib.request.urlopen(url) page.read() end_time = time.monotonic()*1000 return end_time - start_time print(one_test('https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts'))
$ python load_test.py 416.97022300000003
We will now move the URL into a list and add the other URLs
import urllib.request import time url_list = [ 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts', 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts/random', 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts?animal_type=cat,horse'] #this is the function to run a single test def one_test(url): start_time = time.monotonic()*1000 page = urllib.request.urlopen(url) page.read() end_time = time.monotonic()*1000 return end_time - start_time for url in url_list: print(one_test(url))
$ python load_test.py 395.063674 181.19762100000008 366.08377800000005
Adding concurrency
import urllib.request import time import threading url_list = [ 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts', 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts/random', 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts?animal_type=cat,horse'] #this is the function to run a single test def one_test(url): start_time = time.monotonic()*1000 page = urllib.request.urlopen(url) page.read() end_time = time.monotonic()*1000 return end_time - start_time def one_user(): for url in url_list: print(one_test(url)) for k in range(3): t = threading.Thread(target=one_user) t.start()
$ python load_test.py 583.726101 671.282777 684.9828620000001 189.13146899999992 165.072446 192.9520010000001 385.1676630000002 473.7457770000001 532.925066
And finally adding think time
import urllib.request import time import threading url_list = [ 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts', 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts/random', 'https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts?animal_type=cat,horse'] #this is the function to run a single test def one_test(url): start_time = time.monotonic()*1000 page = urllib.request.urlopen(url) page.read() end_time = time.monotonic()*1000 return end_time - start_time def one_user(): for url in url_list: print(one_test(url)) time.sleep (1); #number of seconds for the execution to suspend print(threading.current_thread(), " is sleeping") for k in range(3): t = threading.Thread(target=one_user) t.start()
$ python load_test.py 585.4337079999999 761.8894909999999 764.2173230000001 <Thread(Thread-1, started 123145447641088)> is sleeping <Thread(Thread-2, started 123145452896256)> is sleeping <Thread(Thread-3, started 123145458151424)> is sleeping 511.39206000000036 640.5732069999999 642.4653329999994 <Thread(Thread-1, started 123145447641088)> is sleeping <Thread(Thread-2, started 123145452896256)> is sleeping <Thread(Thread-3, started 123145458151424)> is sleeping 682.5636030000001 746.524218 764.053617 <Thread(Thread-1, started 123145447641088)> is sleeping <Thread(Thread-3, started 123145458151424)> is sleeping <Thread(Thread-2, started 123145452896256)> is sleeping