Accessing Databases
We will look into Python's built-in SQLite DB module - sqlite3
I use Mozilla's plug-in SQLite manager tool to view the files I created with python, If you want to download Mozilla:
SQLite Manager:
I use Mozilla's plug-in SQLite manager tool to view the files I created with python, If you want to download Mozilla:
SQLite Manager:
The module to work with SQLLite in python: sqlite3
Following code will create and connect to a database, then execute a query against that database
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("zoo.sqlite") #create connection to zoo.sqlite database, creates the database if it doesn't already exist cursor = conn.cursor() #provides are cursor to the above connection (the means of executing the SQL queries) cursor.execute("create table animal_count (name text, count integer)") #execute the create table query cursor.execute("insert into animal_count(name, count) values('Elephant', 3)") #inset a row into the animal_count table cursor.execute("insert into animal_count(name, count) values('Crocodile', 5)") conn.commit() #commit changes to the database conn.close() #close the connection
zoo.sqlite will be created in the current working directory a better approach to pass data to a query is a parameterized query:
cursor.execute("insert into animal_count(name, count) values(?, ?)", ('Tiger', 2))
this approach escapes any special characters and also prevents SQLInjection.
To fetch the records from database, assign the result of the SELECT execute statement to a variable, which will receive a list of tuples, each tuple representing a row of data
cursor.execute("insert into animal_count(name, count) values(?, ?)", ('Tiger', 2))
this approach escapes any special characters and also prevents SQLInjection.
To fetch the records from database, assign the result of the SELECT execute statement to a variable, which will receive a list of tuples, each tuple representing a row of data
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("zoo.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() result = cursor.execute("select * from animal_count") print(result.fetchall()) conn.commit() conn.close()
[('Elephant', 3), ('Crocodile', 5)]
To loop through the data, use:
[('Elephant', 3), ('Crocodile', 5)]
To loop through the data, use:
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("zoo.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() result = cursor.execute("select * from animal_count") for row in result: print(row) conn.commit() conn.close()
('Elephant', 3)
('Crocodile', 5)
('Elephant', 3)
('Crocodile', 5)
As an alternative to execute, you can use executemany, which takes a list of rows as parameter:
import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("zoo.sqlite") cursor = conn.cursor() animals=[('Frog', 10), ('Snake', 5), ('Turtle', 11)] cursor.executemany("insert into animal_count(name, count) values(?, ?)", animals) result = cursor.execute("select * from animal_count") for row in result: print(row) conn.commit() conn.close()
Output:('Elephant', 3)
('Crocodile', 5)
('Frog', 10)
('Snake', 5)
('Turtle', 11)
('Crocodile', 5)
('Frog', 10)
('Snake', 5)
('Turtle', 11)