Final Exam V4 - PLANETS
You are building a web application that displays planets facts on a website. It also allows to search for planets
Queries to use in the program
- Name the .py file with your first and last name, if you are placing your files in a folder, then there should be only one .py file and folder must be named with your name as well
- Download the database and supporting files below
- Using one of: WSGI, HTTPServer, Flask (I used WSGI) servers
- For extra 10% of the exam grade:
(5%) create a data visualization for your project using either TKINTER or HTML/public web services (ex. Google Charts). Display planets mass values visualization on canvas, or any other visualization of your choice
(5%) test program and handle SQL injection (submit a proof of SQL injection handled in the program - comment it) - Grade breakdown
Connection to database and database operations work correctly - 25%
Web Page is displayed as expected - 25%
Web page to server operation works correctly - 25%
Exceptions/Errors as described below are handled correctly - 15%
Code is clean, well commented and does not contain unneeded copy-pasted chunks (Python code only, I don't care for HTML) - 10%
You are building a web application that displays planets facts on a website. It also allows to search for planets
Queries to use in the program
- to select all existing planet names: SELECT DISTINCT planet_name FROM PLANETS
- to retrieve facts about a planet: SELECT planet_name, planet_fact FROM PLANETS where lower(planet_name)='mercury'
Download HTML and SQLite files here: |