You are building a web application that answers questions about global warming. It also allows to add a question and answer to the website.
Queries to use in the program
- Name the .py file with your first and last name, if you are placing your files in a folder, then there should be only one .py file and folder must be named with your name as well
- Download the database and supporting files below
- Using one of: WSGI, HTTPServer, Flask (I used WSGI) servers
- For extra 10% of the exam grade:
(5%) create a data visualization for your project using either TKINTER or HTML/public web services (ex. Google Charts). Display a question and an answer on canvas, or any other visualization of your choice
(5%) test program and handle SQL injection (submit a proof of SQL injection handled in the program - comment it) - Grade breakdown
Connection to database and database operations work correctly - 25%
Web Page is displayed as expected - 25%
Web page to server operation works correctly - 25%
Exceptions/Errors as described below are handled correctly - 15%
Code is clean, well commented and does not contain unneeded copy-pasted chunks (Python code only, I don't care for HTML) - 10%
You are building a web application that answers questions about global warming. It also allows to add a question and answer to the website.
Queries to use in the program
- to select all existing questions: SELECT rowid, question from GlobalWarming
- to retrieve an answer, one of the queries: SELECT rowid, question, answer from GlobalWarming where rowid=1 SELECT rowid, question, answer from GlobalWarming where question ='Is the climate changing?'
- to insert question/answer: INSERT INTO GlobalWarming(question, answer) VALUES ('aaa', 'bbb')
Is the climate changing?
What is a global warming?
What is the global climate change?
Is global warming real or not?
Add your own question and answer
Is the climate changing?
Global average temperature is one of the most-cited indicators of global climate change, and shows an increase of approximately 1.4°F since the early 20th Century. The global surface temperature is based on air temperature data over land and sea-surface temperatures observed from ships, buoys and satellites.
What is a global warming?
What is the global climate change?
Is global warming real or not?
Download HTML and SQLite files here: |